Claassen Rotary Screen Support

After working for 49 years at SPGPrints in the field of rotary screen printing, I was reaching my retirement age. For some this is the time to sit back and relax – but not for me. Retirement was merely the motivation to start up my own business: CRSS, Claassen Rotary Screen Support.

The central theme of my business is “Connecting the Dots”.

This slogan -  adopted from Mr Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. – resonates with rotary screen printers, both literally and metaphorically.  

In the strict literal sense, rotary screen printing is nothing more than connecting the dots. But for me, connecting the dots has a deeper meaning - that all parameters influencing the print result have to come together. One of my skills is to connect all the interested parties.

For brand-owners, rotary screen printing is essential for high-impact labels that generate strong recognition at the point-of-sale. It is demanded for create eye-catching features like opaques, rich colours textures and tactile effects. Rotary screen is also used for many functional applications.
My ambition is to support you in optimizing every step of the rotary screen printing workflow and integrating it into your production process. Based on many years of experience in research and development, I offer a comprehensive consultancy programme, including:

  • guidance on choosing the right screen, prepress system and printing equipment for the job in hand
  • tailored courses and workshops for production staff, print specifiers and designers, covering the process and the complete range of added-value effects
  • strategic advice to management on and brand-owners on how to gain maximum return on your investment in rotary screen technology
  • recipe development and adaptations for new rotary screen applications
  • ​day-to-day troubleshooting

My fields of expertise cover:

  • Industrial printing: Steel plate, cigarette paper, and everything in between.
  • Printed electronics: RFID antennae and conductive silver / carbon inks 
  • Security: Special-effect pigments and iridescent inks 
  • Label Printing: Opaque white, tactile printing from varnishes to Braille